Antivenins -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Clinical toxinology in Asia Pacific and Africa / P. Gopalakrishnakone, editor-in-chief ; Abul Faiz [and 4 more], editors
Antivenins -- history : Venomous encounters : snakes, vivisection and scientific medicine in colonial Australia / Peter Hobbins
Antiviral agents -- Effectiveness : Antivirals for pandemic influenza : guidance on developing a distribution and dispensing program / Committee on Implementation of Antiviral Medication Strategies for an Influenza Pandemic, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Antiviral agents -- Research : Advances in antiviral research / Naveen Kumar, Yashpal Singh Malik, Shailly Tomar, Sayeh Ezzikouri, editors
Antiviral Agents -- supply & distribution : Antivirals for pandemic influenza : guidance on developing a distribution and dispensing program / Committee on Implementation of Antiviral Medication Strategies for an Influenza Pandemic, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Antiviral agents -- Synthesis. : Antibiotics and antiviral compounds : chemical synthesis and modification / edited by Karsten Krohn, Herbert A. Kirst, and Hans Maag
Antiviral agents -- Synthesis -- Congresses. : Antibiotics and antiviral compounds : chemical synthesis and modification / edited by Karsten Krohn, Herbert A. Kirst, and Hans Maag
Antiviral agents -- Therapeutic use -- Congresses. : Exploring the role of antiviral drugs in the eradication of polio : workshop report / Committee on Development of a Polio Antiviral and Its Potential Role in Global Poliomyelitis Eradication, Board on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
A dideoxynucleoside compound in which the 3'-hydroxy group on the sugar moiety has been replaced by an azido group. This modification prevents the formation of phosphodiester linkages which are needed for the completion of nucleic acid chains. The compound is a potent inhibitor of HIV replication, acting as a chain-terminator of viral DNA during reverse transcription. It improves immunologic function, partially reverses the HIV-induced neurological dysfunction, and improves certain other clinical abnormalities associated with AIDS. Its principal toxic effect is dose-dependent suppression of bone marrow, resulting in anemia and leukopenia
The ability of viruses to resist or to become tolerant to chemotherapeutic agents or antiviral agents. This resistance is acquired through gene mutation
The ability of viruses to resist or to become tolerant to chemotherapeutic agents or antiviral agents. This resistance is acquired through gene mutation
Here are entered works on social movements advocating peace. Works on the renunciation on moral grounds of offensive or defensive military action are entered under Pacifism --subdivision Protest movements under names of wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Protest movements
Antizipation : Anticipatory behavior in adaptive learning systems : from psychological theories to artificial cognitive systems / Giovanni Pezzulo [and others] (eds.)
Antizyklische Finanzpolitik. : The role for counter-cyclical fiscal policy in Singapore / prepared by Leif Lybecker Eskesen
Antizyklische Geldpolitik : Time and money : how long and how much money is needed to regulate a viable economy / Jean-Pierre Aubin
Antler industry -- Australia. : Velvet antler : a summary of the literature on health benefits : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Chris Tuckwell
Antler industry -- Computer programs. : Upgrade of deer QAMA software : : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Chris Tuckwell
Antlers -- Australia. : Velvet antler : a summary of the literature on health benefits : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Chris Tuckwell
Antlers -- Health aspects. : Velvet antler : a summary of the literature on health benefits : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Chris Tuckwell
Antlers -- Therapeutic use. : Velvet antler : a summary of the literature on health benefits : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Chris Tuckwell