Apache MXNet : Deep learning with MXNet cookbook discover an extensive collection of recipes for creating and implementing AI models on MXNet / Andrés P. Torres ; foreword by Prof. Paul Newman
Apache Pig (Electronic resource) : Learning Apache Pig : explore, manipulate, and analyze big data in the Hadoop ecosystem / with Tom Hanlon
Apache Pinot (Electronic resource) : BUILDING REAL-TIME ANALYTICS SYSTEMS from events to insights with Apache Kafka and Apache Pinot / Mark Needham ; foreword by Gunnar Morling
Apache Programm : Sams teach yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache all in one / Julie C. Meloni
Apache women -- Interviews : Women of the Apache nation : voices of truth / H. Henrietta Stockel ; foreword by Dan L. Thrapp
Apache zookeeper : Apache zookeeper essentials : a fast-paced guide to using Apache ZooKeeper to coordinate services in distributed systems / Saurav Haloi
Apalachee Indians -- History -- Sources : Here they once stood : the tragic end of the Apalachee missions / Mark F. Boyd, Hale G. Smith, and John W. Griffin ; series editor's foreword by Jerald T. Milanich