Here are entered works on aquatic birds in general, including sea birds, shore birds, and waterfowl. Works on swimming gamebirds such as coots, ducks, and geese, are entered under Waterfowl. Scientific works on ducks, geese, and swans as a family are entered under Anatidae
Aquatic ecology -- Climatic factors -- United States : Ecological impacts of climate change / Committee on Ecological impacts of Climate Change, Board on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Aquatic ecology -- Measurement : Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology : measurement, analysis, simulation / edited by Laurent Seuront and Peter G. Strutton
Aquatic ecology -- Mexico : Lake Alchichica limnology : the uniqueness of a tropical maar lake / Javier Alcocer, editor
Aquatic ecology -- Netherlands. : Ecological restoration of aquatic and semi-aquatic ecosystems in the Netherlands (NW Europe) / edited by P.H. Nienhuis & R.D. Gulati
Aquatic ecology -- Nigeria : The Political Ecology of Oil and Gas Activities in the Nigerian Aquatic Ecosystem / Prince Emeka Ndimele
Aquatic ecology -- North Dakota : Fishes of the Dakotas / Kathryn E. Schlafke, Matthew D. Wagner, Chelsey A. Pasbrig, authors ; Michael Barnes, editors
Aquatic ecology -- Remote sensing. : Remote sensing of coastal aquatic environments : technologies, techniques and applications / edited by Richard L. Miller, Carlos E. Del Castillo, and Brent A. McKee
Aquatic ecology -- Research -- Antarctica : Exploration of Antarctic subglacial aquatic environments : environmental and scientific stewardship / Committee on Principles of Environmental Stewardship for the Exploration and Study of Subglacial Environments, Polar Research Board, Division of Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Aquatic ecology -- Research -- Methodology : Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology : measurement, analysis, simulation / edited by Laurent Seuront and Peter G. Strutton
Aquatic ecology -- South Dakota : Fishes of the Dakotas / Kathryn E. Schlafke, Matthew D. Wagner, Chelsey A. Pasbrig, authors ; Michael Barnes, editors
Aquatic ecology -- Southeast Asia : Coral reef ecosystem in space and time : (based on the reefs of Vietnam) / Yuri Latypov (A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biolology), editor
Aquatic ecology -- Technique -- Congresses. : New approaches to monitoring aquatic eco-systems : a symposium / sponsored by ASTM Committee E-47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate and by the Ecological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, 17-21 June 1985 ; Terence P. Boyle, editor