Introduction: A Great Power Peace? -- Deadlock: The Superpowers after the June 1967 War -- Toward a Breakthrough? Nixon, the War of Attrition, and a Shift in Soviet Policy -- Waiting for 1973: The Election, the Summit, and Sadat's Expulsion of the Soviets -- "Under the Cover of Détente": The October War, Watergate, and Kissinger -- "The Maximum Anti-Soviet Policy": The Superpowers and the Road to Sinai II -- A Peace Too Far? The Comprehensive Framework Collapses -- Conclusion: What Drove the Cold War?
"The idea that the Cold War was a natural political outcome of the Soviet Union's Communist ideology is a common one. However, this book argues that American policy was a key reason for that conflict's continuation. Its focus is on US-Soviet diplomacy in the Middle East after June 1967"- Provided by publisher
Includes bibliographical references and index
Description based on online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on March 21, 2023)