Arabische Golf-Staaten : Political economy of energy reform : the clean energy-fossil fuel balance in the Gulf States / edited by Giacomo Luciani, Rabea Ferroukhi
Arabische Literatur. : Classical Arabic humanities in their own terms : festschrift for Wolfhart Heinrichs on his 65th birthday / presented by his students and colleagues ; edited by Beatrice Gruendler ; with the assistance of Michael Cooperson
Arabische Literatur Rasse Motiv : Male domination, female revolt : race, class, and gender in Kuwaiti women's fiction / by Ishaq Tijani
Arabische Ölstaaten. : Establishing conversion values for new currency unions : method and application to the planned Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) currency union / prepared by Russell Krueger, Bassem Kamar, and Jean-Etienne Carlotti
Arabische Sprache. : Classical Arabic humanities in their own terms : festschrift for Wolfhart Heinrichs on his 65th birthday / presented by his students and colleagues ; edited by Beatrice Gruendler ; with the assistance of Michael Cooperson
Arabische Wüste : Arabian deserts : nature, origin and evolution / by H. Stewart Edgell
Arabische Wüste (Ägypten) : Pharaonic inscriptions from the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt / Russell D. Rothe, William K. Miller, and George (Rip) Rapp
Arabische Wüste -- Nord : Pharaonic inscriptions from the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt / Russell D. Rothe, William K. Miller, and George (Rip) Rapp
Arabisk litteratur -- engelska influenser. : Literary modernity between the Middle East and Europe : textual transactions in nineteenth-century Arabic, English, and Persian literatures / Kamran Rastegar