Here are entered works dealing with architecture which is the product of craftsmen using traditional plans, local building materials and construction methods
Architecture -- Indonesia -- Bali (Province) : Architecture Bali : birth of the tropical boutique resort / [text by Philip Goad] ; photos by Patrick Bingham-Hall ; introduction by Kerry Hill
Architecture -- Indonesia -- Congresses : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP 2022) Beyond Sustainability Through Design, Planning and Innovation / Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto, Dwita Hadi Rahmi, Yani Rahmawati, Isti Hidayati, Jimly Al-Faraby, Alyas Widita, editors
Architecture, Industrial -- Austria : Wirtschaftsarchitektur des Jugendstils in Österreich : Ein Beitrag zur industriearchäologischen Forschung in Mitteleuropa / Robert Sturm
Architecture, Industrial -- China : Landscape empowerment : a participatory design approach to create restorative environments for assembly line workers in the Foxconn Factory / Bin Jiang, editor
Architecture, Industrial -- Conservation and restoration -- Europe -- Congresses. : The industrial heritage, what policies? : international colloquy held jointly by the Council of Europe and the French section of ICOMOS, with the assistance of the French Ministry of Culture and Ministry for Urban Development, Housing and Transport and the Ecole nationale des ingénieurs des travaux publics de l'Etat, Lyons, Vaulx-en-Velin, 22-25 October 1985