Arrhythmia -- Surgery. : From signals to colours : a case-based atlas of electroanatomic mapping in complex atrial arrhythmias ; based on the experience of the Project of ElectroAnatomic mapping in Complex arrhythmia Evaluation (PEACE) / Roberto De Ponti
Arrhythmia -- Surgery -- Case studies : From signals to colours : a case-based atlas of electroanatomic mapping in complex atrial arrhythmias ; based on the experience of the Project of ElectroAnatomic mapping in Complex arrhythmia Evaluation (PEACE) / Roberto De Ponti
Arrhythmia Treatment -- See Also the narrower term Cardiac pacing
Arrhythmias : Electrical diseases of the heart. Volume 2, Diagnosis and treatment / Ihor Gussak, Charles Antzelevitch (eds.) ; Arthur A.M. Wilde [and others] (co-eds.)
Arrhythmias, Cardiac -- etiology : Arrhythmias in adult congenital heart disease : a case-based approach / Seshadri Balaji, Ravi Mandapati, Gary D. Webb
A congenital cardiomyopathy that is characterized by infiltration of adipose and fibrous tissue into the RIGHT VENTRICLE wall and loss of myocardial cells. Primary injuries usually are at the free wall of right ventricular and right atria resulting in ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias
A congenital cardiomyopathy that is characterized by infiltration of adipose and fibrous tissue into the RIGHT VENTRICLE wall and loss of myocardial cells. Primary injuries usually are at the free wall of right ventricular and right atria resulting in ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias
A congenital cardiomyopathy that is characterized by infiltration of adipose and fibrous tissue into the RIGHT VENTRICLE wall and loss of myocardial cells. Primary injuries usually are at the free wall of right ventricular and right atria resulting in ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias
Arrian -- Influence : Arrian the historian : writing the Greek past in the Roman Empire / Daniel W. Leon
Arrian. Works : Arrian the historian : writing the Greek past in the Roman Empire / Daniel W. Leon
Arribas, Alfredo, 1954- : Alfredo Arribas Arquitectos Asociados : Werke 1991-95 / Einführung und Projektbeschreibungen, Georg-Christof Bertsch ; mit Texten von Hellmut Seemann, Enric Miralles = Works, 1991-95 / introduction and project descriptions, Georg-Christof Bertsch ; with texts by Hellmut Seemann, Enric Miralles.
Arrison, William, 1826-1855 -- Trials, litigation, etc : The infernal machine case : trial of William Arrison, for the murder of Isaac Allison before the Criminal court--Judge Jacob Flinn / reported by Leonard Woodruff, for the Cincinnati Enquirer