Arterias coronarias -- Enfermedades. : Preventive cardiology : insights into the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease / edited by JoAnne Micale Foody
Arteries -- Anatomy : Anatomy of cranial arteries, embryology and variants / Thomas Robert, Sara Bonasia, Michel W. Bojanowski, editors
Arteries -- anatomy & histology : Arterial variations in humans : key reference for radiologists and surgeons : classification and frequency / [edited by] Frank Wacker, Herbert Lippert, Reinhard Pabst
Arteries -- Anatomy -- Atlases : Atlas of the supraaortic craniocervical arterial variations : MR and CT angiography / Akira Uchino
Arteries -- Diseases -- Surgery : Comprehensive management of arteriovenous malformations of the brain and spine / edited by Robert F. Spetzler, Douglas Kondziolka, Randall Higashida, Yashar Kalani
Arteries -- Imaging -- Atlases : Arterial variations in humans : key reference for radiologists and surgeons : classification and frequency / [edited by] Frank Wacker, Herbert Lippert, Reinhard Pabst
Arteries -- Physiology -- Atlases : Arterial variations in humans : key reference for radiologists and surgeons : classification and frequency / [edited by] Frank Wacker, Herbert Lippert, Reinhard Pabst
Arteries -- Puncture -- Technique : The applied phlebotomy video series. Part Five, Arterial blood gas collection / the Center for Phlebotomy Education presents