Arts -- Therapeutic use -- Economic aspects : The economics of therapy : caring for clients, colleagues, commissioners and cash-flow in the creative art therapies / edited by Daniel Thomas and Vicky Abad ; foreword by Brynjulf Stige
Arts -- Therapeutic use -- United States : Expressive arts therapies in schools : a supervision and program development guide / by Karen Frostig and Michele Essex with a contribution by Julianne Hertz
Arts, Torres Strait Islander : National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural industry strategy / prepared by ATSIC
Arts, Torres Strait Islander -- Exhibitions : Raiki wara : long cloth from Aboriginal Australia and the Torres Strait / Judith Ryan & Robyn Healy with contributions from James Bennett ... [and others]
Arts, Torres Strait Islander -- Management : Valuing art, respecting culture : protocols for working with the Australian Indigenous visual arts and craft sector / Doreen Mellor and Terri Janke
Arts Torres Strait Islanders Management : Valuing art, respecting culture : protocols for working with the Australian Indigenous visual arts and craft sector / Doreen Mellor and Terri Janke
Arts -- United States -- 19th century. : Bright stars : American painting and sculpture since 1776 / Jean Lipman and Helen M. Franc ; introd. by John I. H. Baur
Arts -- United States -- Endowments. : The relationship between endowment funds and the support of selected non-economic goals in the arts / J. Donald Glenn
Arts -- United States -- Library resources : Incubating creativity at your library : a sourcebook for connecting with communities / Erinn Batykefer and Laura Damon-Moore