Ch. 1. The Time of the Four Branches / Ifor Williams and Wayne Harbert -- Ch. 2. Parzival and the Grail / Joachim Bumke and Peter Meister -- Ch. 3. From Germanic Warrior to Christian Knight: The Heliand Transformation / G. Ronald Murphy -- Ch. 4. Romancing the Grail: Fiction and Theology in the Queste del Saint Graal / Kathryn Marie Talarico -- Ch. 5. Grace and Salvation in Chretien de Troyes / Jacques Ribard -- Ch. 6. The Allegory of Adventure: An Approach to Chretien's Romances / Tom Artin -- Ch. 7. The Symbolic Use of a Turtledove for the Holy Spirit in Wolfram's Parzival / Anne Huntley-Speare -- Ch. 8. The Crusades and Wolfram's Parzival / Henry Kratz