Arts -- United States -- Endowments. : The relationship between endowment funds and the support of selected non-economic goals in the arts / J. Donald Glenn
Arts -- United States -- Library resources : Incubating creativity at your library : a sourcebook for connecting with communities / Erinn Batykefer and Laura Damon-Moore
Arts -- United States -- Public opinion. : Insights : museums, visitors, attitudes, expectations : a focus group experiment / sponsored by the Getty Center for Education in the Arts and the J. Paul Getty Museum
Arts Victoria. / : Arts Victoria and the Arts 21 strategy : maintaining the state for the arts / Auditor-General of Victoria
Here are entered general works on the visual arts. Works on the arts in general, including the visual arts, literature, and the performing arts, are entered under Arts --subdivision Art under names of individual persons who lived before 1400, and under names of deities, mythological or legendary figures, and fictitious characters, for collections of art depicting the person, deity, or character, and under headings of the type [topic]--[subdivision], e.g. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Art; Zephyrus (Greek deity)--Art; Holy Cross--Legends--Art; also subdivision In art under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual corporate bodies, under individual Christian denominations, and under uniform titles for their representation as physical objects, e.g. Bible--In art; and headings of the type [topic] in art, e.g. Christian saints in art
Arts visuels. : The Oxford handbook of creative industries / edited by Candace Jones, Mark Lorenzen and Jonathan Sapsed
Here are entered works on the arts in general, including the visual arts, literature, and the performing arts. General works on the visual arts are entered under Art --subdivision In art under names of countries, cities, etc., and under names of individual corporate bodies; and headings of the type [topic] in art, e.g. Automobiles in art