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Description Gale eBooks is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
Subject area Multi-disciplinary
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Other name Gale Subscribed eBooks
  Gale Reference Collection


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Gale eBooks A.E. Housman revisited / Terrence Allan Hoagwood
Gale eBooks A.S. Byatt / Kathleen Coyne Kelly
Gale eBooks Absalom, absalom! : the questioning of fictions / Robert Dale Parker
Gale eBooks Achieving Sustainability : Visions, Principles, and Practices / Debra Rowe, editor in chief
Gale eBooks Acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary : a guide to acronyms, abbreviations, contractions, alphabetic symbols, and similar condensed appellations / Bohdan Romaniuk, project editor
Gale eBooks Acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary. Volume 1 : a guide to acronyms, abbreviations, contractions, alphabetic symbols, and similar condensed appellations / Matthew Miskelly, project editor
Gale eBooks Advancing higher education with mobile learning technologies : cases, trends, and inquiry-based methods / Jared Keengwe and Marian B. Maxfield
Gale eBooks Advances in computer-supported learning / Francisco Milton Mendes Neto, Francisco Vilar Brasileiro [editors]
Gale eBooks Advances in web-based education personalized learning environments / [edited by] George D. Magoulas, Sherry Y. Chen
Gale eBooks Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : American comic vision / David E.E. Sloane
Gale eBooks The adventures of Sherlock Holmes : detecting social order / Rosemary Jann
Gale eBooks Aeschylus / by Lois Spatz
Gale eBooks The African American almanac / Christopher A. Brooks, editor ; foreword by Benjamin Jealous
Gale eBooks African American eras : contemporary times
Gale eBooks African American eras. Segregation to civil rights times, 2011
Gale eBooks African American writers / Valerie Smith, editor-in-chief
Gale eBooks The African American years / Gabriel Burns Stepto, editor
Gale eBooks Africa : an encyclopedia for students / John Middleton, editor
Gale eBooks African children's and youth literature / Osayimwense Osa
Gale eBooks African writers / C. Brian Cox, editor