asher ghaffer. : History, imperialism, critique : new essays in world literature / edited by Asher Ghaffar
Asher, Jay, 1975- Thirteen reasons why. : Novels for students. Volume 51 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels / Sara Constantakis, project editor ; foreword by Anne Devereaux Jordan
Asher, Sandy. : Something about the author. Volume 158 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Maikue Vang, project editor
Here are entered works on the goddess Asherah. Works on the cultic objects mentioned in the Bible, perhaps related to the goddess Asherah, which have been variously identified as carved figurines, wooden poles, living trees, emblems or small shrines are entered under Asherahs (Jewish liturgical objects)
Ashfield (Mass. : Town) -- History : The brittle thread of life : backcountry people make a place for themselves in early America / Mark Williams
Ashfield (NSW) Mayors Australia Biography : Remembered with pride : the recollections of an Australian gold-digger / by Mark J. Hammond ; edited, introduced and annotated by Brian Hodge