Asia Kilns : Fired clay in four porcelain clusters : a comparative study of energy use, production/environmental ecology, and kiln development in Arita, Hong Kong, Jingdezhen, and Yingge / Tai Wei Lim
Asia -- Kings and rulers -- History : The key to power? : the culture of access in princely courts, 1400-1750 / edited by Dries Raeymaekers and Sebastiaan Derks
Asia Kings and rulers History Congresses : Kingship in Asia and early America : XXX International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa / editor, A.L. Basham
Asia Knowledge, Theory of History : Overlapping cosmologies in Asia : transcultural and interdisciplinary approaches / edited by Bill M. Mak, Eric Huntington
Asia -- Koguryŏ (Kingdom) : Korea's ancient Koguryŏ kingdom : a socio-political history / by Noh Taedon ; translated by John Huston
Asia / Korea. : Populist collaborators : the Ilchinhoe and the Japanese colonization of Korea, 1896-1910 / Yumi Moon
Asia Labor mobility Social aspects Cross-cultural studies : Gender, mobilities, and livelihood transformations : comparing indigenous people in China, India, and Laos / edited by Ragnhild Lund, Kyoko Kusakabe, Smita Mishra Panda, and Yunxian Wang
Asia Labor unions : Industrial relations (Union) issues at Asian Paints Ltd. / Nikunj Kumar Jain (Department of Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques, International Management Institute New Delhi, New Delhi, India), Subhashis Sinha (Human Resources Department, Asian Paints Limited, Mumbai, India), and N.S. Iyer (Human Resources Department, Asian Paints Limited, Mumbai, India)
Asia Labor unions Congresses : Labour migration and the recent financial crisis in Asia / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Asia Labor unions History : Trade unionism since 1945 : towards a global history. Volume 2, The Americas, Asia and Australia / edited by Craig Phelan
Asia Land reform : Land tenure reform in Asia and Africa : assessing impacts on poverty and natural resource management / edited by Stein Holden, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway, Keijiro Otsuka, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan, and Klaus Deininger, Development Economics Research Group, World Bank, Washington, DC, USA
Asia Land tenure : Land tenure reform in Asia and Africa : assessing impacts on poverty and natural resource management / edited by Stein Holden, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway, Keijiro Otsuka, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan, and Klaus Deininger, Development Economics Research Group, World Bank, Washington, DC, USA