Astronomy -- Mathematics -- Early works to 1800 : Gaṇita-yukti-bhāṣā (rationales in mathematical astronomy) of Jyeṣṭhadeva. Volume II, Astronomy / a critical translation of the original Malayalam text by K.V. Sarma ; with explanatory notes by K. Ramasubramanian, M.D. Srinivas, M.S. Sriram
Astronomy, Medieval -- Egypt -- Maps : Lost maps of the caliphs : drawing the world in eleventh-century Cairo / Yossef Rapoport and Emilie Savage-Smith
Astronomy, Medieval -- History : On both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar : studies in the history of medieval astronomy in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghrib / by Julio Samsó
Astronomy, Medieval -- Instruments. : Heavenly clockwork : the great astronomical clocks of medieval China / by Joseph Needham, Wang Ling and Derek J. de Solla Price
Astronomy Mexico -- See Also the narrower term Maya astronomy
Astronomy -- Middle East -- History : Poetic astronomy in the ancient Near East : the reflexes of celestial science in ancient Mesopotamian, Ugaritic, and Israelite narrative / Jeffrey L. Cooley
Astronomy Milton, John, 1608-1674 Knowledge : The universe as pictured in Milton's Paradise lost : an illustrated study for personal and class use, by William Fairfield Warren
Astronomy -- Observations -- Australia. : An Australian international gravitational observatory : a case study for construction of large national facilities / a report to the Prime Minister by the Australian Science and Technology Council (ASTEC)
Astronomy -- Observations -- Congresses : Imaging at high angular resolution of stellar surfaces and close environment : Evry Schatzman School 2017 / Nicolas Nardetto, Yveline Lebreton, and Eric Lagadec, eds
Astronomy -- Ohio -- Cincinnati -- History : Cincinnati observatory : its critical role in the birth and evolution of astronomy in America / Stella Cottam, John E. Ventre