NEURAL PATHWAYS and connections within the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, beginning at the hair cells of the ORGAN OF CORTI, continuing along the eighth cranial nerve, and terminating at the AUDITORY CORTEX
Disorders of hearing or auditory perception due to pathological processes of the AUDITORY PATHWAYS in the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. These include CENTRAL HEARING LOSS and AUDITORY PERCEPTUAL DISORDERS
The analysis of a critical number of sensory stimuli or facts (the pattern) by physiological processes such as vision (PATTERN RECOGNITION, VISUAL), touch, or hearing
Auditory perception in children -- Juvenile fiction : I get it! I get it! How John figures it out : one boy's journey and triumph with auditory processing disorder / by Loraine Alderman and Yvonne Capitelli ; art by Julia Klimas
Auditory perception -- Methodology : Audio Processing and Speech Recognition : Concepts, Techniques and Research Overviews / Soumya Sen, Anjan Dutta and Nilanjan Dey
Auditory perception -- Testing. : Assessing listening and spoken language in children with hearing loss / [edited by] Tamala S. Bradham, PhD, CCC-A, K. Todd Houston, PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
Acquired or developmental cognitive disorders of AUDITORY PERCEPTION characterized by a reduced ability to perceive information contained in auditory stimuli despite intact auditory pathways. Affected individuals have difficulty with speech perception, sound localization, and comprehending the meaning of inflections of speech