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Book Cover
Author International Symposium on Hearing (15th : 2009 : Salamanca, Spain)

Title The neurophysiological bases of auditory perception / edited by Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda, Alan R. Palmer, Ray Meddis
Published New York ; London : Springer, 2010


Description 1 online resource (xxxi, 664 pages) : illustrations
Contents The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception; Preface; About the Editors; Contributors; Chapter 1; Otoacoustic Emissions Theories Can Be Tested with Behavioral Methods; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Methods; 1.2.1 Listeners; 1.2.2 Optimal Rules; 1.2.3 Behavioral Rules; Common Procedures; TMC Stimuli; GOFM Stimuli; GOSM Stimuli; 1.3 Results and Discussion; 1.4 Conclusions; References; Chapter 2; Basilar Membrane Responses to Simultaneous Presentations of White Noise and a Single Tone; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Methods; 2.2.1 Physiological Recordings and Data Analysis
2.2.2 Computer Modeling2.3 Results; 2.4 Discussion; References; Chapter 3; The Influence of the Helicotrema on Low-Frequency Hearing; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Methods; 3.2.1 Forward-Middle-Ear-Transfer Function; 3.2.2 Hearing Thresholds and Equal-Loudness-Contours; 3.2.3 Subjects; 3.3 Results; 3.4 Discussion; 3.4.1 Comparison Between fMETF and ELC; 3.4.2 Agreement with Isophons (ISO 389-7 2005); 3.4.3 A Possible Cochlear Origin of Low-Frequency Hypersensitivity or Tinnitus; 3.5 Summary; References; Chapter 4; Mechanisms of Masking by Schroeder-Phase Complexes; 4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experiment: Effects of Masker Duration in Masking by On- and Off-Frequency Schroeder-Phase Complexes4.3 Methods; 4.4 Results and Discussion; 4.5 Model Predictions; 4.5.1 Model Description; 4.5.2 Model Predictions; 4.5.3 Simulating the Effect of the MOCR; 4.6 Conclusions; References; Chapter 5; The Frequency Selectivity of Gain Reduction Masking: Analysis Using Two Equally-Effective Maskers; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Method; 5.2.1 Subjects; 5.2.2 Stimuli; 5.2.3 Procedures; 5.2.4 Experiments; Experiment 1: Off-Frequency GOM; Experiment 2: PTCs Experiment 3: Combined Maskers5.2.4.4 Experiment 4: Control Experiment; 5.3 Results; 5.3.1 GOM Data (masking data for M2); 5.3.2 PTC Data (Masking Data for M1); 5.3.3 Combined Masker Data and Control Experiment; 5.4 Modeling; 5.4.1 Additivity Model; 5.4.2 Gain Reduction Model; 5.4.3 Modeling Results; Additivity Model; Gain Reduction Model; 5.5 Discussion; References; Chapter 6; Investigating Cortical Descending Control of the Peripheral Auditory System; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Methods; 6.2.1 Anaesthesia and Surgical Preparation
6.2.2 Stimulus Presentation and Neuronal Recordings6.2.3 Cortical Cooling; 6.3 Results; 6.3.1 Effect of Cortical Inactivation on the Contralateral Cochlea; 6.3.2 Effect of Cortical Inactivation on the Ipsilateral Cochlea; 6.4 Discussion; 6.5 Comment by Stefan Strahl; 6.6 Reply Alan R. Palmer; References; Chapter 7; Exploiting Transgenic Mice to Explore the Role of the Tectorial Membrane in Cochlear Sensory Processing; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Three Tectorin Mutants; 7.2.1 Tecta Mice; 7.2.2 Y1870C Missense Mutation in TECTA
Summary From its inception in 1969, The International Symposium on Hearing has been a forum of excellence for debating the neurophysiological basis of auditory perception, with computational models as tools to test and unify physiological and perceptual theories. Every paper in this symposium includes two of the following: auditory physiology, psychophysics or modeling. The topics range from cochlear physiology to auditory attention and learning. The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception has a bottom-up structure from 'simpler' physiological to more 'complex' perceptual phenomena and follows the order of presentations at the 2009 meeting. The volume describes state-of-the-art knowledge on the most current topics of auditory science and will act as a valuable resource to stimulate further research. Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda, Ph. D. is Director of the Auditory Computation and Psychoacoustics Unit of the Neuroscience Institute of Castilla y León (University of Salamanca, Spain). His research focuses on modeling human cochlear nonlinear signal processing and understanding the role of the peripheral auditory system in normal and impaired auditory perception. Alan R. Palmer, Ph. D. is Deputy Director of the MRC Institute of Hearing Research and holds a Special Professorship in Neuroscience at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. He heads a research team that uses neurophysiological, computational and neuroanatomical techniques to study the way the brain processes sound. Ray Meddis, Ph. D. is Director of the Hearing Research Laboratory at the University of Essex, United Kingdom. His research has concentrated on the development of computer models of the physiology of the auditory periphery and how these can be incorporated into models of psychophysical phenomena such as pitch and auditory scene analysis
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject Auditory perception -- Congresses
Auditory perception -- Physiological aspects -- Congresses
Auditory Perception -- physiology
MEDICAL -- Neuroscience.
PSYCHOLOGY -- Neuropsychology.
Sciences de la vie.
Auditory perception
Auditory perception -- Physiological aspects
Auditorisches System
Genre/Form Electronic books
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Conference papers and proceedings.
Actes de congrès.
Form Electronic book
Author Lopez-Poveda, Enrique A
Palmer, A. R. (Alan R.)
Meddis, Ray.
ISBN 9781441956866