Austria Emigration and immigration law : Auswanderung und Auswanderungspolitik in Österreich / von Leopold Caro ; im auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben
Austria Enlightenment Vienna : From the ruins of Enlightenment : Beethoven and Schubert in their solitude / Richard Kramer
Austria Entrepreneurship : Diversity of migrant entrepreneurship in varieties of European capitalism : post-Soviet entrepreneurship in Austria, Spain and Hungary / Sanja Tepavcevic
Austria Equality Government policy : Gleichstellungspolitik öffentlicher Arbeitgeber : Betriebliche Gleichstellung in den Bundesverwaltungen Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz
Austria Espionage Biography : Tracking Edith / a Peartree Entertainment production ; written & directed by Peter Stephan Jungk ; produced by Lillian Birnbaum ; a film by Peartree Entertainment and Transmitter Film
Austria Espionage, Soviet Biography : Tracking Edith / a Peartree Entertainment production ; written & directed by Peter Stephan Jungk ; produced by Lillian Birnbaum ; a film by Peartree Entertainment and Transmitter Film
Austria -- Ethnic relations -- History : Understanding multiculturalism : Central Europe and the Habsburg experience / edited by Johannes Feichtinger and Gary B. Cohen
Austria Excavations (Archaeology) Lower Austria : Das latènezeitliche Gräberfeld von Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge, Flur Reinthal Süd, Niederösterreich : Studien zu Phänomenen der latènezeitlichen Kulturausprägungen
Austria Excavations (Archaeology) Thunau am Kamp : Thunau am Kamp - das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese / Elisabeth Nowotny ; mit Beiträgen von Karina Grömer, Martin Ježek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ruß-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus
Austria Exhibitions Vienna : Report by William Robinson, Esq., ... and superintendent of the Colonial Section at the Vienna Exhibition, 1873 upon the British colonies represented there : with particular reference to their produce
Austria Exiles Biography : Jurists uprooted : German-speaking émigré lawyers in twentieth-century Britain / edited by Jack Beatson and Reinhard Zimmermann
Austria Exiles Congresses : Return from exile : exiles, returnees and their impact in the humanities and social sciences in Austria and Central Europe = Rückkehr aus dem Exil / Waldemar Zacharasiewicz in collaboration with Manfred Prisching (Eds.)
Austria Expatriate artists Congresses : Return from exile : exiles, returnees and their impact in the humanities and social sciences in Austria and Central Europe = Rückkehr aus dem Exil / Waldemar Zacharasiewicz in collaboration with Manfred Prisching (Eds.)
Austria Expressionism (Art) Vienna : Le Arti a Vienna : dalla Secessione alla caduta dell'Impero asburgico : [Venezia, Palazzo Grassi 20 maggio-16 settembre]