Austria -- Relations -- Latin America : Transatlantic relations : Austria and Latin America in the 19th and 20th centuries / Klaus Eisterer, Günter Bischof (editors)
Austria -- Relations -- Poland : Hôtel Lambert and the Austrian empire, 1831-1846 : the political discourse and activities of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski / Oliver Zajac
Austria -- Relations -- Serbia : The relations between Serbia and Austria-Hungary in the 20th century / Vladimir Ćorović ; translated by Dragan Bakić & Stojan Gavrilović
Austria -- Relations -- Soviet Union : A Good Example of Peaceful Coexistence? : the Soviet Union, Austria, and Neutrality, 1955-1991 / Wolfgang Mueller
Austria Religion Study and teaching : Taking seriously, not taking sides : challenges and perspectives in the study of religions / Lukas K. Pokorny, Astrid Mattes (eds.)
Austria Rental housing Vienna : Promoting rental housing affordability in European cities : learning from the cases of Milan and Vienna / Marco Peverini
Austria Return migrants Congresses : Return from exile : exiles, returnees and their impact in the humanities and social sciences in Austria and Central Europe = Rückkehr aus dem Exil / Waldemar Zacharasiewicz in collaboration with Manfred Prisching (Eds.)
Austria Revenue : Austria : selected issues / prepared by Mercedes García-Escribano and Gil Mehrez
Austria Romani Genocide, 1939-1945 : National Socialism and Gypsies in Austria / Erika Thurner ; edited and translated by Gilya Gerda Schmidt ; with a foreword by Michael Berenbaum
Austria Sacred songs Salzburg History and criticism Congresses : Der Mönch von Salzburg im Interpretationsprofil der Gegenwart : Bericht einer Tagung des Arbeitsschwerpunktes Salzburger Musikgeschichte an der Universität Mozarteum Salzburg in Verbindung mit drei Konzerten im Juni 2018 / herausgegeben von Siegrid Schmidt und Thomas Hochradner ; redigiert von Isolde Deleyto Rösner und Stefanie Hiesel
Austria. Schiedsrechts-Änderungsgesetz 2006. / : The Vienna rules : a commentary on international arbitration in Austria / Franz T. Schwarz, Christian W. Konrad
Austria Scholars : Robert Eisler and the magic of the combinatory mind : the forgotten life of a 20th-century Austrian polymath / Brian Collins
Austria Scholars Congresses : Return from exile : exiles, returnees and their impact in the humanities and social sciences in Austria and Central Europe = Rückkehr aus dem Exil / Waldemar Zacharasiewicz in collaboration with Manfred Prisching (Eds.)
Austria School buildings Vienna : Das Neue Schulhaus : Schuleruniversum und Stadtpartikel : das Schulbauprogramm 2000 der Stadt Wien : eine erste Bilanz, 1990-1996 / herausgegeben von der Stadtplanung Wien ; konzipiert von Walter M. Chramosta ; mit Texten von Georg Baldass ... [and others] = The new schoolhouse : schoolchild's universe and urban particle : the School Building Programme 2000 of the City of Vienna : a first survey, 1990-1996 / published by Urban Planning Bureau of the city of Vienna ; concept by Walter M. Chramosta ; with essays by Georg Baldass ... [and others]