Authorship -- Collaboration -- England : Circulating communities : the tactics and strategies of community publishing / edited by Paula Mathieu, Steve Parks, and Tiffany Rousculp
Authorship -- Collaboration -- United States : Circulating communities : the tactics and strategies of community publishing / edited by Paula Mathieu, Steve Parks, and Tiffany Rousculp
Authorship Colonna, Francesco, -1527 : Leon Battista Alberti's Hypnerotomachia Poliphili : re-cognizing the architectural body in the early Italian Renaissance / Liane Lefaivre
Authorship Comic books, strips, etc Marketing : Comic-con and the business of pop culture : what the world's wildest trade show can tell us about the future of entertainment / Rob Salkowitz
Authorship -- Computer network sources : Conversational writing : a multidimensional study of synchronous and supersynchronous computer-mediated communication
Authorship -- Computer programs. : The publish or perish book : your guide to effective and responsible citation analysis / Anne-Wil Harzing
Authorship Criticism Problems, exercises, etc : Blooming with the pouis : critical thinking, reading and writing across the curriculum : a rhetorical reader for Caribbean tertiary students / Paulette A. Ramsay [and others]