Automatic intercept system Telephone : Telecommunications interception and criminal investigation in Queensland : a report / [Criminal Justice Commission]
Here are entered works on the applications of computers in processing and analyzing language. Works on the computer processing of natural language for the purpose of enabling humans to interact with computers in natural language are entered under Natural language processing (Computer science)
Automatic meteorological stations. : Record weather data with Arduino and solar power : use sensors to record and analyze meteorological data / CHUNYAN LI
Automatic nervous system -- Anatomy : Basic and clinical anatomy of the spine, spinal cord, and ANS / Gregory D. Cramer, Susan A. Darby ; illustrators, Theodore G. Huff, Sally A. Cummings ; photographer, Ron Mensching
Automatic picture transmission -- See Also the narrower term Video telephone
--subdivision Automation under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of industries, buildings, processes, systems, and organizations, e.g. Construction industry--Automation; and subdivision Effect of automation on under occupational groups and types of employees
Automatic stabilizer. : The role of fiscal transfers in smoothing regional shocks : evidence from existing federations / prepared by Tigran Poghosyan, Abdelhak Senhadji, and Carlo Cottarelli