Balkan Peninsula Academic freedom : Academic freedom and university institutional responsibility in South East Europe (1989-2004) / Michael Daxner
Balkan Peninsula Agriculture and state : The changing face of rural space : agriculture and rural development in the Western Balkans / Julian A. Lampietti [and others]
Balkan Peninsula Animal culture History : Animal husbandry and hunting in the central and western Balkans through time / Nemanja Marković ; Jelena Bulatović
Balkan Peninsula Anthropology : The road : an ethnography of (im)mobility, space, and cross-border infrastructures in the Balkans / Dimitris Dalakoglou
Balkan Peninsula Antitrust law Congresses : Competition authorities in South Eastern Europe : building institutions in emerging markets / Boris Begović , Dušan V. Popović, editors
Balkan Peninsula Bank management : Does supply or demand drive the credit cycle? : evidence from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe / prepared by Greetje Everaert [and others]
Balkan Peninsula Banks and banking Congresses : The changing financial landscape : financial performance analysis of real and banking sectors in Europe / Goran Karanovic, Persefoni Polychronidou, Anastasios Karasavvoglou, editors
Balkan Peninsula Biosecurity Congresses : Environmental security in South-Eastern Europe : international agreements and their implementation / edited by Massimiliano Montini and Slavko Bogdanovic
Balkan Peninsula Border security Congresses : Senior leadership roundtable on military and defence aspects of border security in South East Europe / edited by Itamara V. Lochard
Balkan Peninsula Botany History Congresses : Travellers in Ottoman lands : the botanical legacy / edited by Ines Aščerić-Todd, Sabina Knees, Janet Starkey and Paul Starkey
Balkan Peninsula Business cycles : Does supply or demand drive the credit cycle? : evidence from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe / prepared by Greetje Everaert [and others]
Balkan Peninsula Byzantine Empire Relations : The Balkans and the Byzantine world before and after the captures of Constantinople, 1204 and 1453 / edited by Vlada Stankovic
Balkan Peninsula Byzantine Empire Relations Congresses : Widmo Mahometa, cień Samuela : cesarstwo bizantyńskie w relacji z przedstawicielami innych religii i kultur (VII-XV wiek) / redakcja Zofia A. Brzozowska, Mirosław J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow, Teresa Wolińska