Barley -- Mutation breeding. : Mutants at xantha and albina loci in relation to chloroplast biogenesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) / by Knud W. Henningsen, John E. Boynton & Dieter von Wettstein
Here are entered works on the non-jurisdictional West Indian island grouping called the Windward Islands. Works on the former British colony of the same name are entered under Windward Islands (Jurisdiction)
Barlow, Barbara : A long way from home : a mother's story / Barbara Barlow as told to Isobelle Gidley and Richard Shears
Barlow, Richard E : System and Bayesian reliability : essays in honor of Professor Richard E. Barlow on his 70th birthday / editors, Yu Hayakawa, Telba Irony, Min Xie
Barlow, Roger, approximately 1483-1553. : Merchants and explorers : Roger Barlow, Sebastian Cabot, and networks of Atlantic Exchange 1500-1560 / Heather Dalton
Barlow, Roosevelt : Contemporary Black biography. Volume 49 : profiles from the international Black community / Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, editors
Barlow, Silas -- Trials, litigation, etc : Reports of trials for murder by poisoning by prussic acid, strychnia, antimony, arsenic and aconitia : including the trials of Tawell, W. Palmer, Dove, Madeline Smith, Dr. Pritchard, Smethurst, and Dr. Lamson : with chemical introduction and notes on the poisons used / by G. Lathom Browne and C.G. Stewart
Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. Rights of the bishops to judge in capital cases in Parliament, cleared : Lord Hollis, his remains : being a second letter to a friend, concerning the judicature of the bishops in Parliament, in the vindication of what he wrote in his first, and in answer to a book since published against it entituled The rights of the bishop to judge in capital cases in Parliament cleared, &c. : it contains likewise part of his intended answer to a second tractate entituled The grand question touching the bishops right to vote in Parliament, stated and argued : to which are added considerations, in answer to the learned author of the Grand question, &c., by another hand : and reflections upon some passages in Mr. Hunt's argument upon that subject, &c., by a third
Barloworld Limited. / : Team Barloworld : building a global brand / Stephanie Townsend & Mark Peters
A genus of TOGAVIRIDAE, also known as Group A arboviruses, serologically related to each other but not to other Togaviridae. The viruses are transmitted by mosquitoes. The type species is the SINDBIS VIRUS
Barmah-Millewa Forest Carp Australia Victoria Management : Ecology and management of common carp in the Barmah-Millewa forest : final report of the Point Source Management of Carp Project to Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry Australia / by Ivor Stuart and Matthew Jones
Barmah-Millewa Forest Carp Control Australia Victoria : Ecology and management of common carp in the Barmah-Millewa forest : final report of the Point Source Management of Carp Project to Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry Australia / by Ivor Stuart and Matthew Jones
Barmah State Forest Botany Australia Victoria : Vegetation condition of Ulupna Island / prepared for Parks Victoria by School of Ecology and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Deakin University ; project team, Sarah Halligan ... [and others]
Barmah State Forest (Vic) Floodplain management Australia : Monitoring of fish aspects of the flooding of Barmah Forest : final report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission for Natural Resources, Management Strategy Project V014 / Lachlan J. McKinnon