Beginning -- Congresses : Time and history in the ancient Near East : proceedings of the 56th Rencontre assyriologique internationale at Barcelona 26-30 July 2010 / edited by L. Feliu, J. Llop, A. Millet Alba, and J. Sanmartin
Beginning Design. : Developing Creative Thinking in Beginning Design
The point at which religious ensoulment or PERSONHOOD is considered to begin
Beginning of something Bridgers, Sue Ellen : Short stories for students. Volume 39 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories / Matthew Derda, project editor ; foreword by Thomas E. Barden
Beginning of spring Fitzgerald, Penelope : Novels for students. Volume 56 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels / Kristin B. Mallegg, project editor ; foreword by Anne Devereaux Jordan
Beginning teachers. : Case studies illustrating specific indicators of effective practice for the national competency framework for beginning teaching / National Project on the Quality of Teaching and Learning
Begravning -- judendom. : Commemorating the dead : texts and artifacts in context : studies of Roman, Jewish, and Christian burials / edited by Laurie Brink and Deborah Green ; with an introduction by Richard Saller
Begravning -- kristendom. : Commemorating the dead : texts and artifacts in context : studies of Roman, Jewish, and Christian burials / edited by Laurie Brink and Deborah Green ; with an introduction by Richard Saller
Begravning -- romersk religion. : Commemorating the dead : texts and artifacts in context : studies of Roman, Jewish, and Christian burials / edited by Laurie Brink and Deborah Green ; with an introduction by Richard Saller