Bible. Apocrypha -- Manuscripts : Snapshots of evolving traditions : Jewish and Christian manuscript culture, textual fluidity, and new philology / edited by Liv Ingeborg Lied & Hugo Lundhaug
Bible. Apocrypha -- Translating : Parabiblica Latina : Studien zu den griechisch-lateinischen Übersetzungen parabiblischer Literatur unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der apostolischen Väter / von Benjamin Gleede
Here are entered collections of texts of those books excluded from both the Catholic canon and the Protestant and Jewish canons of the Old Testament and from the Catholic and Protestant canons of the New Testament. Works on individual books of this group are entered under their own titles
Bible. Apocryphal books. Acts of Andrew -- See Acts of Andrew
Here are entered works on the archaeology and antiquities of the Bible --subdivision Antiquities under names of Biblical countries and cities
Bible. Armenian -- Language, style : The noun in biblical Armenian : origin and word formation : with special emphasis on the Indo-European heritage / Birgit Anette Olsen
Bible as literature -- Congresses : Literary construction of identity in the ancient world : proceedings of a conference, Literary Fiction and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Literatures : Options and Limits of Modern Literary Approaches in the Exegesis of Ancient Texts, Heidelberg, July 10-13, 2006 / edited by Hanna Liss and Manfred Oeming