Bibliographical citations -- Methodology. : Finding the evidence for practice : a workbook for health professionals / Alison Brettle, Maria J. Grant ; foreword by Andrew Booth
Here are entered works on exhibitions illustrating the history of the book and book arts in general, including writing, printing, binding, illustration, collection and preservation of books in libraries, etc --subdivision Bibliography--Exhibitions under subjects, including categories of books, e.g. Incunabula--Bibliography--Exhibitions
Here are entered works on travel to places related to authors' lives or to the settings of their works. Works on travel as a theme in literature are entered under Travel in literature
--subdivision Translating under uniform titles of sacred works, individual languages and groups of languages, and topical headings, e.g. Bible--Translating; English language--Translating
Bibliographical services. : Academic librarians and cataloging networks : visibility, quality control, and professional status / Ruth Hafter
Bibliographie. : Journal of Women's History Guide to Periodical Literature / compiled by Gayle V. Fischer ; foreword by Christie Farnham ; introduction by Joan Hoff
Bibliographie -- Antiquité. : Kallimachos : the Alexandrian Library and the origins of bibliography / Rudolf Blum ; translated from the German by Hans H. Wellisch
Bibliographie Bibliothéconomie : Guide to technical services resources / Peggy Johnson, editor ; with chapters by Sheila S. Intner [and others]
Bibliographie Bibliothèques de prisons : International resource book for libraries serving disadvantaged persons / Joanne Locke and Nancy M. Panella ; with the assistance of Margaret Girolami
Bibliographie Bibliothèques d'hôpitaux : International resource book for libraries serving disadvantaged persons / Joanne Locke and Nancy M. Panella ; with the assistance of Margaret Girolami
Bibliographie Bibliothèques et handicapés : International resource book for libraries serving disadvantaged persons / Joanne Locke and Nancy M. Panella ; with the assistance of Margaret Girolami
Bibliographie Bibliothèques et personnes âgées : International resource book for libraries serving disadvantaged persons / Joanne Locke and Nancy M. Panella ; with the assistance of Margaret Girolami
Bibliographie Bibliothèques scolaires Documentation : Ressources pour les bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires / Section des bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires ; édité par Paulette Bernhard ; avec la participation de Colette Charrier [and others] = Resourcebook for school libraries and resource centers / Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres ; edited by Paulette Bernhard ; with the participation of Colette Charrier [and others]
Bibliographie Bibliothèques scolaires Gestion Catalogues : Ressources pour les bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires / Section des bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires ; édité par Paulette Bernhard ; avec la participation de Colette Charrier [and others] = Resourcebook for school libraries and resource centers / Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres ; edited by Paulette Bernhard ; with the participation of Colette Charrier [and others]
Bibliographie Botanique : Guide to standard floras of the world : an annotated, geographically arranged systematic bibliography of the principal floras, enumerations, checklists, and chorological atlases of different areas / David G. Frodin
Bibliographie Canada : Bibliography of Canadian bibliographies / editor and compiler, Ernie Ingles ; principal researcher and compiler, Gordon R. Adshead ; research assistants, Donna Brockmeyer-Klebaum, Sue Fisher, Suzanna Loeppky
Bibliographie Centres de matériel didactique : Ressources pour les bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires / Section des bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires ; édité par Paulette Bernhard ; avec la participation de Colette Charrier [and others] = Resourcebook for school libraries and resource centers / Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres ; edited by Paulette Bernhard ; with the participation of Colette Charrier [and others]
Bibliographie Cerveau Physiologie : The history of the brain and mind sciences : technique, technology, therapy / edited by Stephen T. Casper and Delia Gavrus
Bibliographie comme sujet Botanique : Guide to standard floras of the world : an annotated, geographically arranged systematic bibliography of the principal floras, enumerations, checklists, and chorological atlases of different areas / David G. Frodin