Biobanks -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Congresses : Trust in biobanking : dealing with ethical, legal and social issues in an emerging field of biotechnology / Peter Dabrock, Jochen Taupitz, Jens Ried, editors
Biobanks -- Standards -- United States : Future uses of the Department of Defense Joint Pathology Center Biorepository / Committee on the Review of the Appropriate Use of AFIP's Tissue Repository Following Its Transfer to the Joint Pathology Center, Board on the Health of Select Populations, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Biobanks -- Wales -- Management. : Governing biobanks : understanding the interplay between law and practice / by Jane Kaye ... [and others]
Electric power supply devices which convert biological energy, such as chemical energy of metabolism or mechanical energy of periodic movements, into electrical energy
Electric power supply devices which convert biological energy, such as chemical energy of metabolism or mechanical energy of periodic movements, into electrical energy
Biobibliographie Littérature américaine : Modern American women writers / Elaine Showalter, consulting editor, Lea Baechler, A. Walton Litz, general editors
Biobibliographie Littérature européenne : Women writers of Great Britain and Europe : an encyclopedia / editors, Katharina M. Wilson, Paul Schlueter, June Schlueter
Biocapteurs. : Living data : making sense of health biosensing / Celia Roberts, Adrian Mackenzie, Maggie Mort ; with Theresa Atkinson, Mette Kragh-Furbo, Joann Wilkinson
Biocapteurs -- Congrès. : PHealth 2012 : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, June 26-28, 2012, Porto, Portugal / edited by Bernd Blobel, Peter Pharow and Filipe Sousa
Biochar -- Analysis : Biochar : a guide to analytical methods / editors: Balwant Singh, Marta Camps-Arbestain and Johannes Lehmann
Biochar -- Composition : Biochar : a guide to analytical methods / editors: Balwant Singh, Marta Camps-Arbestain and Johannes Lehmann
Biochar -- Developing countries : Biochar systems for smallholders in developing countries : leveraging current knowledge and exploring future potential for climate-smart agriculture / Sebastian M. Scholz, Thomas Sembres, Kelli Roberts, Thea Whitman, Kelpie Wilson, and Johannes Lehmann