Biological Factors -- immunology. : Detection and quantification of antibodies to biopharmaceuticals : practical and applied considerations / [edited] by Michael G. Tovey
Uncontrolled release of biological material from its containment. This either threatens to, or does, cause exposure to a biological hazard. Such an incident may occur accidentally or deliberately
Uncontrolled release of biological material from its containment. This either threatens to, or does, cause exposure to a biological hazard. Such an incident may occur accidentally or deliberately
Biological invasions -- Canada, Eastern : Review of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from eastern Canada / by Jan Klimaszewski [and others]
Biological invasions -- China : Biological invasions and its management in China. Volume 1 / Fanghao Wan, Mingxing Jiang, Aibin Zhan, editors