Biometry -- Study and teaching (Higher) : Teaching biostatistics in medicine and allied health sciences / Damian J.J. Farnell, Renata Medeiros Mirra, editors
An interdisciplinary field in materials science, ENGINEERING, and BIOLOGY, studying the use of biological principles for synthesis or fabrication of BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS
Biomimetic Materials -- standards : Navigating the manufacturing process and ensuring the quality of regenerative medicine therapies : proceedings of a workshop / Ariel Markowitz-Shulman, Sioghan Addie, Meredith Hackmann, Joe Alper, and Sarah H. Beachy, rapporteurs ; Forum on Regenerative Medicine, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Health and Medicine Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Biomimetics -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Handbook of Biomimetics and Bioinspiration : Biologically-Driven Engineering of Materials, Processes, Devices, and Systems (In 3 Volumes)
An interdisciplinary field in materials science, ENGINEERING, and BIOLOGY, studying the use of biological principles for synthesis or fabrication of BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS