Bjerkebæk (Lillehammer, Norway) / : Inside the gate : Sigrid Undset's life at Bjerkebæk / Nan Bentzen Skille ; translated by Tiina Nunnally
Bjerknes, V. (Vilhelm), 1862- : Appropriating the weather : Vilhelm Bjerknes and the construction of a modern meteorology / Robert Marc Friedman
Bjørner, D. (Dines), 1937- -- Congresses : Formal methods and hybrid real-time systems : essays in honour of Dines Bjøerner and Zhou Chaochen on the occasion of their 70th birthdays / Cliff B. Jones, Zhiming Liu, Jim Woodcock (eds.)
A species of POLYOMAVIRUS apparently infecting over 90% of children but not clearly associated with any clinical illness in childhood. The virus remains latent in the body throughout life and can be reactivated under certain circumstances
BK Virus : Polyomaviruses and human diseases / edited by Nasimul Ahsan
Bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (Sect) : Dpal ldan bla ma dam pa grub paʼi khyu mchog phyogs thams cad las rnam par rgyal baʼi spyod pa can rje btsun kun dgaʼ bzang poʼi rnam par thar pa ris med dad paʼi spu long gʼyo byed. English
Bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (Sect) -- Biography : Dpal ldan bla ma dam pa grub paʼi khyu mchog phyogs thams cad las rnam par rgyal baʼi spyod pa can rje btsun kun dgaʼ bzang poʼi rnam par thar pa ris med dad paʼi spu long gʼyo byed. English