Blockchains (Databases) -- Development : The Blockchain Developer : a Practical Guide for Designing, Implementing, Publishing, Testing, and Securing Distributed Blockchain-based Projects / Elrad Elrom
Blockchains (Databases) -- India : Emerging digital technologies and India's security sector : AI, blockchain, and quantum communications / edited by Pankaj K Jha, Arun Teja Polcumpally, and Vedant Saigal
Drugs that bind to but do not activate beta-adrenergic receptors thereby blocking the actions of beta-adrenergic agonists. Adrenergic beta-antagonists are used for treatment of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris, glaucoma, migraine headaches, and anxiety
A class of drugs that act by inhibition of potassium efflux through cell membranes. Blockade of potassium channels prolongs the duration of ACTION POTENTIALS. They are used as ANTI-ARRHYTHMIA AGENTS and VASODILATOR AGENTS
Blockfreiheit : US-Singapore relations, 1965-1975 : strategic non-alignment in the Cold War / Daniel Wei Boon Chua
Drugs that bind to but do not activate beta-adrenergic receptors thereby blocking the actions of beta-adrenergic agonists. Adrenergic beta-antagonists are used for treatment of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris, glaucoma, migraine headaches, and anxiety