Book design -- History -- 20th century : Refresh the book : on the hybrid nature of the book in the age of electronic publishing / edited by Viola Hildebrand-Schat, Katarzyna Bazarnik, and Christoph Benjamin Schulz
Book design -- History -- 21st century : Refresh the book : on the hybrid nature of the book in the age of electronic publishing / edited by Viola Hildebrand-Schat, Katarzyna Bazarnik, and Christoph Benjamin Schulz
Book design -- History -- Exhibitions. : Art of the printed book, 1455-1955 : masterpieces of typography through five centuries from the collections of the Pierpont Morgan Library. / With an essay by Joseph Blumenthal
Book designers -- Canada : Listening for the heartbeat of being : the arts of Robert Bringhurst / edited by Brent Wood and Mark Dickinson
Book designers -- Congresses. : Book art object 2 : second catalogue of the Codex Foundation biennial international book exhibition and symposium, Berkeley, 2011 / [editors] David Jury and Peter Rutledge Koch
Book distribution programs. : Hot books in the Cold War : the CIA-funded secret Western book distribution program behind the Iron Curtain / Alfred A. Reisch
Book donations -- Appalachian Region : This book is free and yours to keep notes from the Appalachian Prison Book Project / Connie Banta, Kristin DeVault-Juelfs, Destinee Harper, Katy Ryan, Ellen Skirvin
Book editors -- Germany -- Correspondence : Korrespondenzen der Goethezeit. Band 1, Text : edition und kommentar / Leo von Seckendor ; herausgegeben von Michael Grus
Here are entered works on the international exchange of publications between both governmental bodies and non-governmental, non-profit institutions of an educational, scientific and technical, or cultural nature