Botanik -- Tyskland -- historia. : The vegetative soul : from philosophy of nature to subjectivity in the feminine / Elaine P. Miller
Botanikerin -- USA -- Geschichte 19. Jh. : "Good observers of nature" : American women and the scientific study of the natural world, 1820-1885 / Tina Gianquitto
Botanique -- Bibliographie. : Guide to standard floras of the world : an annotated, geographically arranged systematic bibliography of the principal floras, enumerations, checklists, and chorological atlases of different areas / David G. Frodin
Botanique -- Bibliographie comme sujet. : Guide to standard floras of the world : an annotated, geographically arranged systematic bibliography of the principal floras, enumerations, checklists, and chorological atlases of different areas / David G. Frodin
Botanique -- Montserrat, île. : Potions, poisons, and panaceas : an ethnobotanical study of Montserrat / David E. Brussell ; foreword by Richard Evans Schultes ; preface by J.-P. Theurillat
Botanists -- Australasia -- Congresses. : History of systematic botany in Australasia : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25-27 May 1988 / edited by P.S. Short
Botanists -- Australasia -- History -- Congresses. : History of systematic botany in Australasia : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25-27 May 1988 / edited by P.S. Short
Botanists -- Australia -- 19th century. : Aboriginal plant collectors : botanists and Australian Aboriginal people in the nineteenth century / Philip A. Clarke
Botanists -- Australia -- Congresses. : History of systematic botany in Australasia : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25-27 May 1988 / edited by P.S. Short
Botanists -- Australia -- Diaries. : A journey to Cooper's Creek / Hermann Beckler ; translated by Stephen Jeffries and Michael Kertesz ; edited and with an introduction by Stephen Jeffries
Botanists -- Australia -- History -- Congresses. : History of systematic botany in Australasia : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25-27 May 1988 / edited by P.S. Short
Botanists -- Australia -- South Australia -- Exhibitions. : A fusion of science and art : Robert Brown & Ferdinand Bauer with Matthew Flinders & William Westall aboard the Investigator, 1801-1803 / Lance McCarthy, Flinders University, in conjunction with the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide
Botanists -- Australia -- Tasmania -- Correspondence. : Van Diemen's Land correspondents by T.E. Burns and J.R. Skemp : Letters from R.C. Gunn, R.W. Lawrence, Jorgen Jorgenson, Sir John Franklyn and others to Sir William J. Hooker, 1827-1849 / [edited by Frank Ellis]
Botanists -- England -- Humor. : The philosophical puppet show : or, Snip's inauguration to the president's chair, addressed to Sir J-----B----, a celebrated connoisseur in chickweed, caterpillars, black beetles, butterflies, and cockle-sehlls / by Simon Snip
Botanists -- Europe -- Biography : Tussen hof en keizerskroon : [Carolus Clusius en de ontwikkeling van de botanie aan Midden-Europese hoven (1573-1593) / Esther van Gelder]
Botanists -- Fiction : The moon pool / by A. Merritt ; edited with an introduction by Michael Levy
Botanists -- France -- Correspondence : André Michaux in North America : journals and letters, 1785-1797 / translated from the French, edited, and annotated by Charlie Williams, Eliane M. Norman, and Walter K. Taylor ; with a foreword by James E. McClellan III
Botanists -- France -- Diaries : André Michaux in North America : journals and letters, 1785-1797 / translated from the French, edited, and annotated by Charlie Williams, Eliane M. Norman, and Walter K. Taylor ; with a foreword by James E. McClellan III