Bouwrecht. : Site investigation and the law / Jack Cottington, Robert Akenhead
Bouwsculpturen. : Prayers in stone : Greek architectural sculpture ca. 600-100 B.C.E. / by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway
Bouwtekeningen. : BIM handbook : a guide to building information modeling for owners, managers, designers, engineers and contractors / Chuck Eastman [and others]
Bouwwerken. : The holy place : architecture, ideology, and history in Russia / Konstantin Akinsha and Grigorij Kozlov ; with Sylvia Hochfield
Bouyei (Chinese people) : Empire and identity in Guizhou : local resistance to Qing expansion / Jodi L. Weinstein ; foreword by Stevan Harrell
Bova, Ben, 1932- : Children's literature review. Volume 96 : excerpts from reviews, criticism, and commentary on books for children and young people / Allison Marion, project editor
Bovary, Charles (Fictitious character) : Madame Bovary. Episode 1 / from the novel by Gustave Flaubert ; screenplay by Heidi Thomas ; producer, Tony Redston and Bernard Krichefski ; director, Tim Fywell ; BBC Films, WGBH Boston co-production
Bové, José, 1953- -- Interviews. : The world is not for sale : farmers against junk food / José Bové and François Dufour ; interviewed by Gilles Luneau ; translated by Anna de Casparis ; [with a foreword by Naomi Klein]
Boven Digoel Indonesia : The impacts of oil palm plantations on forests and people in Papua : a case study from Boven Digoel District / Agus Andrianto [and four others]
Boven Digoel Plantations Indonesia : The impacts of oil palm plantations on forests and people in Papua : a case study from Boven Digoel District / Agus Andrianto [and four others]
Boven Digoel Sustainable agriculture Indonesia : The impacts of oil palm plantations on forests and people in Papua : a case study from Boven Digoel District / Agus Andrianto [and four others]
Bovidae. : Bovids of the world : antelopes, gazelles, cattle, goats, sheep, and relatives / José R. Castelló ; foreword by Brent Huffman and Colin Groves
A heat-stable, low-molecular-weight activator protein found mainly in the brain and heart. The binding of calcium ions to this protein allows this protein to bind to cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases and to adenyl cyclase with subsequent activation. Thereby this protein modulates cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels