Brazil -- Rio Negro (Amazonas) : Psammic peinobiomes : nutrient-limited ecosystems of the Upper Orinoco and Rio Negro Basins / Joseph Alfred Zinck, Otto Huber, Pedro García Montero, Ernesto Medina, editors
Brazil Rock music : Democracia Em Preto E Branco = Black And White Democracy
Brazil -- Rondônia. : Ainda estou vivo = I'm still alive / direção, André Bomfim ; produção, André Bomfim, Carmem Maia, Gustavo Rosa de Moura ; Mira Filmes
Brazil Rubber tappers Education : Schools in the forest : how grassroots education brought political empowerment to the Brazilian Amazon / Denis Lynn Daly Heyck
Brazil Rubber tappers Political activity : Schools in the forest : how grassroots education brought political empowerment to the Brazilian Amazon / Denis Lynn Daly Heyck
Brazil Runaway children Drama : A cadeira do pai / uma co-produção Globo Filmes, Funcine ; um filme de Luciano Moura ; produção, Fernando Meirelles, Andrea Barata Ribeiro, Bel Berlinck
Brazil Rural poor : Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil : Toward an Integrated Strategy
Brazil Rural poor Case studies : Sisar model for Brazil rural water supply / Denise Carvalho, Martin Ossewaarde, and Tao Yue
Brazil Rural-urban migration : The urbanization of rural dialect speakers : a sociolinguistic study in Brazil / Stella Maris Bortoni-Ricardo
Brazil Rural women Bahia (State) : Down to earth : 101 women from rural areas of Brazil tell their struggle to stay on the land / [compiled by] Frances O'Gorman ; [editing Francisco Alves]
Brazil Rural women Goiás (State) : Down to earth : 101 women from rural areas of Brazil tell their struggle to stay on the land / [compiled by] Frances O'Gorman ; [editing Francisco Alves]
Brazil -- Sabará : Recortes do Brasil. Casa de Animação de Sabará / Futura