Breast -- Cancer -- Imaging -- Data processing : Content-based retrieval of medical images : landmarking, indexing, and relevance feedback / Paulo Mazzoncini de Azevedo-Marques, Rangaraj Mandayam Rangayyan
Breast cancer in art. : Perfect scars : an exploration of the emotional and physical impact of breast cancer / Beverley Corlett, Jill Lacina, Rosemary Paul
Metastatic breast cancer characterized by EDEMA and ERYTHEMA of the affected breast due to LYMPHATIC METASTASIS and eventual obstruction of LYMPHATIC VESSELS by the cancer cells
Breast -- Cancer -- Management : Management of breast cancer in older women / Malcolm Reed, Riccardo A. Audisio, editors
Breast -- Cancer -- Mathematical models : Mathematical and computational studies on progress, prognosis, prevention and panacea of breast cancer / Suhrit Dey, Charlie Dey
Breast -- Cancer -- Miscellanea : Le cancer du sein : 100 questions-réponses / Zora K. Brown, Harold P. Freeman et Elizabeth Platt ; adaptation française de Jean-Pierre Camilleri
Breast -- Cancer -- Molecular diagnosis : Biomarkers in breast cancer : molecular diagnostics for predicting and monitoring therapeutic effect / edited by Giampietro Gasparini and Daniel F. Hayes
Breast -- Cancer -- Netherlands : Mamma, wat een zorg : rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Heelkundige Oncologie, in het bijzonder de diagnostiek en de behandeling van het mammacarcinoom aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op vrijdag 14 maart 2008 / door Emiel Rutgers
Breast -- Cancer -- Patients -- Care -- Australia. : Recommendations for follow-up of women with early breast cancer : a clinical practice guideline / developed by National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (NBOCC)
Breast -- Cancer -- Patients -- Drama : Less than one percent / directed by David Figueroa García ; performed by Mario Escalante, Ana Gonzalez Bello ; produced by David Figueroa García, Christina Diaz Portillo