Measuring acute alcohol impairment / Christopher S. Martin -- Update on clinical and forensic analysis of alcohol / Alan Wayne Jones and Derrick J. Pounder -- Post-mortem alcohol: aspects of interpretation / Derrick J. Pounder and Alan Wayne Jones -- Recent advances in biochemical tests for acute and chronic alcohol consumption / Anders Helander and Alan Wayne Jones -- Alcohol determination in point of collection testing / J. Robert Zettl
Extracted from the Drug Abuse Handbook, 2nd edition, to give you just the information you need at an affordable price. Forensic Issues in Alcohol Testing offers concise and focused information specific to the interests of forensic scientists and clinical and forensic toxicologists. It analyzes the acute effects of alcohol intoxication and the methods by which investigators can measure alcohol concentration in blood, urine, and breath. It considers extenuating circumstances affecting acute impairment by detailing the disposition and fate of alcohol in the body as wel