Bridwell, Norman. : Children's literature review. Volume 96 : excerpts from reviews, criticism, and commentary on books for children and young people / Allison Marion, project editor
Brief -- Histoire et critique. : Engendering the republic of letters : reconnecting public and private spheres in eighteenth-century Europe / Susan Dalton
Brief psychotherapy -- Great Britain : Oxford guide to brief and low intensity interventions for children and young people / edited by Sophie Bennett, Pamela Myles-Hooton, Jessica Schleider, Roz Shafran
Disorders in which there is a loss of ego boundaries or a gross impairment in reality testing with delusions or prominent hallucinations. (From DSM-IV, 1994)
Disorders in which there is a loss of ego boundaries or a gross impairment in reality testing with delusions or prominent hallucinations. (From DSM-IV, 1994)
Brief state of the province of Pennsylvania Smith, William, 1727-1803 : A true and impartial state of the province of Pennsylvania : Containing, an exact account of the nature of its government ; the power of the proprietaries, and their governors ; as well those which they derive under the royal grant, as those they have assumed in manifest violation thereof, their father's charter, and the rights of the people: also, the rights and privileges of the Assembly, and people, which they claim under the said grant, charter, and laws of their country, confirmed by the royal approbation. With a true narrative of the dispute between the governors and assemblies, respecting the grants of supplies so often made by the latter, and rejected by the former. In which is demonstrated, by incontestable vouchers, that arbitrary proprietary instructions, have been the true and only cause of the refusal of such supplies, and the late defenceless state of the province. The whole being a full answer to the pamphlets intitled A brief state, and A brief view, &c. of the conduct of Pennsylvania. [Nine lines from Cato's letters]
Any form of psychotherapy designed to produce therapeutic change within a minimal amount of time, generally not more than 20 sessions
Brief van Petrus aan Philippus. : Peter : the myth, the man and the writings : a study of early Petrine text and tradition / F. Lapham
Brief view of the conduct of Pennsylvania Smith, William, 1727-1803 : A true and impartial state of the province of Pennsylvania : Containing, an exact account of the nature of its government ; the power of the proprietaries, and their governors ; as well those which they derive under the royal grant, as those they have assumed in manifest violation thereof, their father's charter, and the rights of the people: also, the rights and privileges of the Assembly, and people, which they claim under the said grant, charter, and laws of their country, confirmed by the royal approbation. With a true narrative of the dispute between the governors and assemblies, respecting the grants of supplies so often made by the latter, and rejected by the former. In which is demonstrated, by incontestable vouchers, that arbitrary proprietary instructions, have been the true and only cause of the refusal of such supplies, and the late defenceless state of the province. The whole being a full answer to the pamphlets intitled A brief state, and A brief view, &c. of the conduct of Pennsylvania. [Nine lines from Cato's letters]