Brucellosis in the greater Yellowstone area / Norman F. Cheville, principal investigator, Dale R. McCullough, principal investigator ; Lee R. Paulson, project director
Executive summary -- Introduction -- Part I. The disease and transmission -- Part II. Transmission among and between species -- Part III. Vaccines -- Part IV. Reducing the risk of transmission from wildlife to cattle -- Appendix A. Questions addressed by the NRC study -- Appendix B. Meeting agendas and presentations -- Appendix C. Other diseases in GYA wildlife
Brucellosis, a bacterial disease, was first noted in the Greater Yellowstone Area in 1917 and has been a chronic presence there since then. This book reviews existing scientific knowledge regarding brucellosis transmission among wildlife, particularly bison, elk, and cattle, in the Greater Yellowstone Area. It examines the mechanisms of transmission, risk of infection, and vaccination strategies. The book also assesses the actual infection rate among bison and elk and describes what is known about the prevalence of Brucella abortus among other wildlife
"Board on Agriculture, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences ... Commission of Life Sciences, National Research Council."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 124-143)