Book: Welcome to country spoken in Dhauwurd Wurrung / Vicki Couzens -- Introduction : Gunditjmara country; the arrival of the British colony and the Federation of Australia; Onus v. Alcoa -- Agreeing on native title -- Recognising Gunditjmara -- Land justice -- Having a row -- Gunditj Mirring traditional owners Corporation
Tells the story of the Gunditjmara's fight for their land from the early 1800s to the consent determination for their country, celebrated in March 2007; contact history of the area including the Eumerella Wars; setting up of Lake Condah Mission; discusses the legal significance of the court case undertaken by Sandra Onus and Christine Frankland against Alcoa, which resulted in the mission land being handed back to the Gunditjmara; how native title for the area was negotiated; establishment of the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Corporation; Tyrendarra Indigenous Protected Area; Lake Condah Sustainable Development Project and the work towards the re-flooding of Lake Condah
Native title
Land tenure
Native Title Act 1993
Gunditjmara (Aboriginal people)
AIATSIS Native Title Research Unit
Includes bibliographical references (p. 40)
Copy held is a photocopy and does not include DVD VDU