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Title Something about the author. Volume 185 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Published Detroit, Mich. : Gale, [2008]
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Description 1 online resource
Series Gale virtual reference library
Gale virtual reference library.
Contents Inge Barth-Grozinger -- John Bendall-Brunello -- Carin Berger -- Gary Blythe -- Tim Bowers -- Linda Buckley-Archer -- Janet Buell -- Julie Burtinshaw -- Janet Lee Carey -- R. Gregory Christie -- Linda Collison -- Pascale Constantin -- D.M. Cornish -- Nancy Crocker -- Mary Cummings -- Tom Curry -- Jennifer Keats Curtis -- Mary Newell DePalma -- Laura Dower -- Lynn Downey -- Daniel Ehrenhaft -- Lisa Fiedler -- Sid Fleischman -- Heather Forest -- Dennis Brindell Fradin -- Judith Bloom Fradin -- Claire Freedman -- Yvonne Gilbert -- Jennifer P. Goldfinger -- Leonid Gore -- Randi Hacker -- Michael Hague -- Megan Halsey -- Karen Hart -- Linda Hayward -- Louise Ho -- Carol Otis Hurst -- Anne Isaacs -- Charlie James -- Gail Jarrow -- Richard W. Jennings -- Sylvie Jones -- Herve Jubert -- Ibi Kaslik -- Alan Katz -- Ellen A. Kelley -- Bob Krech -- Carol Ann Lee -- Tanith Lee -- Sam Llewellyn -- William Loizeaux -- Susan Lubner -- Kenneth Mallory -- Jane K. Manning -- Sandra L. Markle -- Joe Mathieu -- Kirsten Miller -- Mary Beth Miller -- Ron Miller -- Frank Morrison -- Barry Moser -- Catherine Gilbert Murdock -- Jim Murphy -- James A. Owen -- Pam Paparone -- Won-Ldy Paye -- Chris Platt -- Terry Pratchett -- Elise Primavera -- Mary Quattlebaum -- Queen Latifah -- Lori Ries -- Lizzy Rockwell -- Mary Ann Rodman -- Deborah Lee Rose -- Rebecca Rupp -- Karen Lee Schmidt -- Karen Halvorsen Schreck -- Karen Schwabach -- David Sheldon -- Siena Cherson Siegel -- Michael Simmons -- Matthew Skelton -- Jordan Sonnenblick -- Kristin Sorra -- Susan Rosson Spain -- Karen Taschek -- Cynthia von Buhler -- David Wyatt -- Amy L. Young
Summary Series covers individuals ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators who are just beginning their careers. Entries cover: personal life, career, writings and works in progress, adaptations, additional sources, and photographs
Notes "Facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people."
"ISSN 0276-816X."
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Original: xiii, 367 pages : illustrations, photographs ; 29 cm
Print version record
Subject Queen Latifah, 1970-
Barth-Grözinger, Inge, 1950-
Bendall-Brunello, John.
Berger, Carin.
Blythe, Gary.
Bowers, Tim
Buckley-Archer, Linda.
Buell, Janet.
Buhler, Cynthia von.
Burtinshaw, Julie.
Carey, Janet Lee.
Christie, R. Gregory, 1971-
Collison, Linda, 1953-
Constantin, Pascale.
Cornish, D. M. (David M.), 1972-
Crocker, Nancy.
Cummings, Mary, 1951-
Curry, Tom
Curtis, Jennifer Keats.
DePalma, Mary Newell.
Dower, Laura.
Downey, Lynn, 1961-
Ehrenhaft, Daniel.
Fiedler, Lisa.
Fleischman, Sid, 1920-2010.
Forest, Heather.
Fradin, Dennis B.
Fradin, Judith Bloom.
Freedman, Claire.
Gilbert, Yvonne.
Goldfinger, Jennifer P.
Gore, Leonid.
Hacker, Randi.
Hague, Michael.
Halsey, Megan.
Hart, Karen.
Hayward, Linda, 1943-
Ho, Louise.
Hurst, Carol Otis.
Isaacs, Anne.
James, Charlie, 1961-
Jarrow, Gail.
Jennings, Richard W.
Jones, Sylvie Michelle.
Jubert, Herve
Kaslik, Ibi, 1973-
Katz, Alan.
Kelley, Ellen A.
Krech, Bob
Lee, Carol Ann.
Lee, Tanith.
Llewellyn, Sam, 1948-
Loizeaux, William.
Lubner, Susan.
Mallory, Kenneth.
Manning, Jane K
Markle, Sandra.
Mathieu, Joseph.
Miller, Kirsten, 1973-
Miller, Mary Beth, 1964-
Miller, Ron, 1947-
Morrison, Frank, 1971-
Moser, Barry.
Murdock, Catherine Gilbert.
Murphy, Jim, 1947-
Owen, James A.
Paparone, Pamela.
Paye, Won-Ldy.
Platt, Chris, 1959-
Pratchett, Terry.
Primavera, Elise.
Quattlebaum, Mary.
Ries, Lori.
Rockwell, Lizzy.
Rodman, Mary Ann.
Rose, Deborah Lee.
Rupp, Rebecca.
Schmidt, Karen.
Schreck, Karen Halvorsen, 1962-
Schwabach, Karen.
Sheldon, David (David Quentin)
Siegel, Siena Cherson.
Simmons, Michael, 1970-
Skelton, Matthew.
Sonnenblick, Jordan.
Sorra, Kristin.
Spain, Susan Rosson.
Taschek, Karen, 1956-
Wyatt, David, 1968-
Young, Amy L.
Queen Latifah, 1970-
Christie, R. Gregory, 1971-
DePalma, Mary Newell.
Fleischman, Sid, 1920-2010.
Hague, Michael.
Lee, Tanith.
Llewellyn, Sam, 1948-
Markle, Sandra.
Mathieu, Joe, 1949-
Miller, Mary Beth, 1964-
Miller, Ron, 1947-
Moser, Barry.
Murphy, Jim, 1947-
Pratchett, Terry.
Rockwell, Lizzy.
Siegel, Siena Cherson.
Authors -- Biography.
Children's literature -- Bibliography.
Illustrators -- Biography
Children's literature.
Genre/Form Bibliography.
Form Electronic book
Author Kumar, Lisa.
ISBN 0787699349