Bulgaria Organizational change : Labour relations in Eastern Europe : organisational design and dynamics / Krastyu Petkov and John E.M. Thirkell
Bulgaria -- Orlovo Site : From surface collection to prehistoric lifeways : making sense of the multi-period site of Orlovo, south east Bulgaria / edited by John Chapman ; with contributions by Bisserka Gaydarska [and others]
Bulgaria Other (Philosophy) Social aspects History To 1500 : The Bulgars and the steppe empire in the early Middle Ages : the problem of the others / [Tsvetelin Stepanov] ; translated from Bulgarian by Tatiana Stefanova and Tsvetelin Stepanov
Bulgaria Petroleum industry and trade : Russian involvement in Eastern Europe's petroleum industry : the case of Bulgaria / Adnan Vatansever ; series editor Kevin Rosner
Bulgaria -- Pirin Mountains : Landscape development and climate change in southwest Bulgaria (Pirin Mountains) / Karsten Grunewald, Jörg Scheithauer
Bulgaria -- Plovdiv : Urban ecology studies of the amphibians and reptiles in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria / by Ivelin A. Mollov
Bulgaria Police administration : "I can stop and search whoever I want" : police stops of ethnic minorities in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Spain / Joel Miller
Bulgaria Political participation : Cultures of democracy in Serbia and Bulgaria : how ideas shape publics / James Dawson, University College, London, UK
Bulgaria Political parties : Political parties in post-communist societies : formation, persistence, and change / Maria Spirova
Bulgaria Pomaks Biography : Cultural heritage under siege : five narratives of Pomak heritage : from forced renaming to weddings / by Fatme Myuhtar-May
Bulgaria Pomaks Case studies : Cultural heritage under siege : five narratives of Pomak heritage : from forced renaming to weddings / by Fatme Myuhtar-May
Bulgaria Pomaks Social conditions : Cultural heritage under siege : five narratives of Pomak heritage : from forced renaming to weddings / by Fatme Myuhtar-May
Bulgaria Pomaks Social life and customs : Cultural heritage under siege : five narratives of Pomak heritage : from forced renaming to weddings / by Fatme Myuhtar-May
Bulgaria Power resources Congresses : Energy planning, management, and efficiency in a local context : summary of an American-Bulgarian-Romanian workshop, November 8-18, 1993 / Stephen G. Deets and Theresa L. Gilbride, Editors
Bulgaria Prisoners Biography : Every parent's nightmare : Jock Palfreeman and the true story of his father's fight to save him from a lifetime in a Bulgarian jail / Belinda Hawkins ; research assistance by Boryana Dzhambazova, translations by Boryana Dzhambazova and Nadejda Collins
Bulgaria Prisoners, Foreign Biography : Every parent's nightmare : Jock Palfreeman and the true story of his father's fight to save him from a lifetime in a Bulgarian jail / Belinda Hawkins ; research assistance by Boryana Dzhambazova, translations by Boryana Dzhambazova and Nadejda Collins