Business logistics -- Management -- Data processing : Vehicle routing under consideration of driving and working hours : a distributed decision making perspective / Christoph Manuel Meyer ; with a foreword by Herbert Kopfer
Business logistics -- Netherlands. : Integration and self regulation of quality management in Dutch agri-food supply chains : a cross-chain analysis of the poultry meat, the fruit and vegetable and the flower and potted plant chains / Wijnand van Plaggenhoef
Business logistics -- Nigeria. : Applying a quantitative method to study integrated supply chain management for promoting competitiveness in the fast-moving consumer goods manufacturing industry in Nigeria / Ogunlela Gabriel Oyebanjo
Business logistics -- North America -- History : Marketing channels and supply chain networks in North America : a historical analysis / Robert D. Tamilia, O. C. Ferrell, Karen Hopkins
Business logistics -- Pakistan -- Islāmābād : Yaqoob biscuit manufacturers - missing contingency plan / authored by Abdul Rehman Shaikh (IBA CC & S, Sukkur Institute of Business Administration, Sukkur, Pakistan), and Asad Ali Qazi (Department of Business Administration, Sukkur Institute of Business Administration, Sukkur, Pakistan)
Business logistics -- Research : The nature of supply chain management research : insights from a content analysis of international supply chain management literature from 1990 to 2006 / Julia Wolf ; with a foreword by Christopher Jahns
Business logistics -- Research -- Congresses : The impact of virtual, remote, and real logistics labs : first international conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28-March 1, 2012, Proceedings / Dieter Uckelmann, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Ingrid Rügge, Bonghee Hong, Antonio Rizzi (eds.)
Business logistics -- Singapore : Singapore export elasticities : a disaggregated look into the role of global value chains and economic complexity / prepared by Elif Arbatli and Gee Hee Hong
Business logistics -- Software : Dynamics 365 for finance and operations development cookbook : build extensive, powerful, and agile business solutions / Deepak Agarwal, Abhimanyu Singh