Byron Place : Word games with English, 2 / Deirdre Howard-Williams and Cynthia Herd
Byron Region Geology Australia Victoria Maps : 1:50 000 geological map series. 7323-4 zone 54, and part of 7324-3 zon 54, Byron and part of Wonwondah / Geological Survey of Victoria
Byron Region (Vic.) -- Maps : 1:50 000 geological map series. 7323-4 zone 54, and part of 7324-3 zon 54, Byron and part of Wonwondah / Geological Survey of Victoria
Byrt, Anthony. : This model world : travels to the edge of contemporary art / Anthony Byrt
Bysantinsk grekiska -- poesi. : Poèmes en hexamètres et en distiques élégiaques / Jean Géomètre ; edition, traduction, commentaire par Emilie Marlène van Opstall
Bysantinsk litteratur -- historia -- 300-talet. : Emperor and author : the writings of Julian the Apostate / editors Nicholas Baker-Brian and Shaun Tougher ; contributors Nicholas Baker-Brian [and others]
Bysantinsk målarkonst. : Rural lives and landscapes in late Byzantium : art, archaeology and ethnography / Sharon E.J. Gerstel
Byssinosis-United States-History : The Cotton Dust Papers : Science, Politics, and Power in the "Discovery" of Byssinosis in the U.S / editors, Gregory F. Delaurier, Mary Lee Dunn
Bystander effect -- United States. : Bystander intervention & diffusion of responsibility / consultant, writer, and host, Betsy Sparrow ; produced by Robert Broadhurst for Insight Media
Bytown (Ont.) -- See Also the later heading Ottawa (Ont.)
byttevirksomhet. : Handbook on the international exchange of publications / edited on behalf of IFLA by Kirsti Ekonen, Päivi Palopski and Pentti Vattulainen