California Rural-urban relations San Francisco Bay Area : Integrating planning with nature : building climate resilience across the urban-to-rural gradient / Micaela Bazo, Matthew Benjamin, Erica Spotswood, Letitia Grenier (SFEI) ; Michelle Huttenhoff, Laura Tam, Laura Feinstein (SPUR) ; Jake Smith, Marc Landgraf, Matt Freeman (OSA)
California Russians History 19th century Sources : Russian California, 1806-1860. Volume 1 : a history in documents / compiled and edited by James R. Gibson and Alexei A. Istomin ; with the assistance of Valery A. Tishkov ; translated by James R. Gibson
California Ryukyuans Biography : From Okinawa to the Americas : Hana Yamagawa and her reminiscences of a century / edited by Akiko Yamagawa Hibbett
California -- Sacramento County. : Urban sprawl in a U.S. metropolitan area : ways to measure and a comparison of the Sacramento area to similar metropolitan areas in California and the U.S. / Robert W. Wassmer
California -- Sacramento River : Rivers by design : state power and the origins of U.S. flood control / Karen M. O'Neill
California -- Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary : A scientific assessment of alternatives for reducing water management effects on threatened and endangered fishes in California's bay-delta / Committee on Sustainable Water and Environmental Management in the California Bay-Delta, Water Science and Technology Board, Ocean Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
California Salinity Suisun Marsh : Suisun marsh : ecological history and possible futures / edited by Peter B. Moyle, Amber D. Manfree, Peggy L. Fiedler ; cover image by William Franklin Jackson
California Salt-bush Research : Australian salt-bushes : results of eighteen years' tests ; characteristics, propagation, and field experiments / by Charles H. Shinn ; composition and food value by M.E. Jaffa
California Salt lake ecology : The Salton Sea Centennial Symposium : proceedings of the symposium celebrating a century of symbiosis among agriculture, wildlife and people, 1905-2005, held in San Diego, California, USA, March 2005 / edited by Stuart H. Hurlbert
California Salt lake ecology Congresses : The Salton Sea Centennial Symposium : proceedings of the symposium celebrating a century of symbiosis among agriculture, wildlife and people, 1905-2005, held in San Diego, California, USA, March 2005 / edited by Stuart H. Hurlbert
California Salt lakes : The Salton Sea Centennial Symposium : proceedings of the symposium celebrating a century of symbiosis among agriculture, wildlife and people, 1905-2005, held in San Diego, California, USA, March 2005 / edited by Stuart H. Hurlbert
California Salt lakes Congresses : The Salton Sea Centennial Symposium : proceedings of the symposium celebrating a century of symbiosis among agriculture, wildlife and people, 1905-2005, held in San Diego, California, USA, March 2005 / edited by Stuart H. Hurlbert
California -- Salton Sea Region : Middle of nowhere : religion, art, and pop culture at Salvation Mountain / Sara M. Patterson
California Salvadorans Los Angeles : Space of detention : the making of a transnational gang crisis between Los Angeles and San Salvador / Elana Zilberg
California Same-sex marriage Press coverage : Uses of history in the press and in court during California's battle over Proposition 8 : casting same-sex marriage as a civil right / Anqi Li ; with a foreword by Dean Smith
California -- San Bernardino Mountains : Southern California Mountains Wildflowers : a Field Guide to Wildflowers above 5,000 Feet: San Bernardino, San Gabriel, and San Jacinto Ranges