A highly-sensitive (in the picomolar range, which is 10,000-fold more sensitive than conventional electrophoresis) and efficient technique that allows separation of PROTEINS; NUCLEIC ACIDS; and CARBOHYDRATES. (Segen, Dictionary of Modern Medicine, 1992)
Capital -- Accounting -- Case studies : Should the cost of capital, used in connection with goodwill impairment testing, vary across countries? / authored by Elie Salameh (EDHEC Business School, Lille, France)
Capital Accounts. : IMF Survey, Volume 32, Issue 10 / International Monetary Fund. External Relations Dept
Capital and capitol Australia Maps : Map of contour survey of the site for the federal capital of Australia / drawn on stone by Messrs. O. Fischer and A.G. von Stach under direction of E.S. Vautin ; drawn on stone and printed by the Department of Lands, Sydney, New South Wales, from original plan by F.J. Broinowski by authority of the Hon. Minister for Lands, September, 1910
Capital and capitol Canada : Canada and its capital : with sketches of political and social life at Ottawa / by Hon. J.D. Edgar...
Here are entered works dealing with employer-employee relations in general. Works on that field of management which has the fundamental responsibility for recruiting, hiring, training, compensating, developing and caring for the general welfare of employees are entered under Personnel management. Works on the managing of employees by their supervisors so that duties are performed according to instructions are entered under Supervision of employees