Catacombs -- Congresses : The conservation of subterranean cultural heritage / editor, Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (IRNAS-CSIC), Sevilla, Spain
Catacombs -- France -- Paris : Cities of the underworld. Season 1, episode 5, Catacombs of death / producer, Allison Hynes ; produced by Authentic Entertainment, Inc. in association with Thirty Four Productions, LLC for the History Channel
Çatal Hüjük. : Protecting Çatalhöyük : memoir of an archaeological site guard / Sadrettin Dural ; with contributions by Ian Hodder ; translated by Duygu Camurcuoğlu Cleere
Çatal Hüyük : Religion in the emergence of civilization : Çatalhöyük as a case study / edited by Ian Hodder
Catalá Oliveras, Francisco A. -- Interviews : Decolonization models for America's last colony : Puerto Rico : radio interviews with Francisco Catalá-Oliveras and Juan Lara / Ángel Collado-Schwarz
Catalan drama -- History and criticism : Text, translation, and critical interpretation of Joan Rois De Corella's Tragedia de Caldesa, a fifteenth-century Spanish tragedy of gender reversal : the woman dominates and seduces her lover / Peter Cocozzella ; with a foreword by Marilyn Gaddis Rose