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Streaming video

Title Health innovations. Magnetic heart surgery / SW Pictures
Published London, England : SW Pictures, 2018


Description 1 online resource (4 minutes)
Series Academic Video Online
Summary Dr Muchtiar Khan is one of only two heart surgeons in the Netherlands performing heart surgery with the click of a mouse. In the film he operates on a patient using a floppy catheter controlled by magnets operated remotely by a computer. The catheter burns precise spots on the heart to help regulate an irregular heartbeat. There is no anaesthetic, no open heart surgery and the patient is awake throughout the operation
Notes Title from resource description page (viewed December 07, 2018)
In English
Subject Heart -- Surgery.
Heart -- Magnetic resonance imaging.
Heart -- Magnetic resonance imaging
Heart -- Surgery
Genre/Form documentary film.
Documentary films
Short films
Documentary films.
Short films.
Courts métrages.
Form Streaming video
Author SW Pictures Ltd., distributor, production company.