Cave of the Letters Israel : Babatha's Orchard : the Yadin Papyri and an Ancient Jewish Family Tale Retold / Philip F. Esler
Cave of the warrior : The cave of the warrior : a fourth millennium burial in the Judean desert / Tamar Schick in collaboration with D. Barshad [and others]
Cave paintings -- Australia -- Kakadu National Park (N.T.) : The Rock art sites of Kakadu National Park : some preliminary research findings for their conservation and management / compiled by D. Gillespie ; with contributions by G. Chaloupka and five others
Cave paintings -- Congresses : The conservation of subterranean cultural heritage / editor, Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (IRNAS-CSIC), Sevilla, Spain
Cave paintings -- Conservation and restoration -- Congresses : Conservation of ancient sites on the Silk Road : proceedings of the second International Conference on the Conservation of Grotto Sites, Mogao Grottoes, Dunhuang, People's Republic of China, June 28-July 3, 2004 / edited by Neville Agnew
Cave paintings -- France -- Dordogne : Stepping-stones : a journey through the Ice Age caves of the Dordogne / Christine Desdemaines-Hugon ; foreword by Ian Tattersall
Cave paintings -- Spain -- Cádiz (Province) : El sol, símbolo de continuidad y permanencia : un estudio multidisciplinar sobre la figura soliforme en el arte esquemático de la Provincia de Cádiz / Mercedes Versaci
Cave paintings -- Spain -- Cantabria. : The cave of Altamira / photographs by Pedro A. Saura Ramos ; with essays by Matilde Múzquiz Pérez-Seoane ... [and others] ; general editor, Antonio Beltrán
Cave temples -- India -- Ajanta. : The Ajanta Caves : artistic wonder of ancient Buddhist India / text and photographs by Benoy K. Behl ; with additional notes on the Jataka stories by Sangitika Nigam ; foreword by Milo C. Beach