CENTOS (Organization) -- History : For the good of the nation : institutions for Jewish children in interwar Poland : a documentary history / Sean Martin ; preface by Joanna Michlic
Central Academy of the Arts. School of Design : 'Once upon a time ---' : contemporary jewellery from Australia and China / [cordinated and edited by Karin Findeis and Zhang Fan ; Eric Yang ... translating and editing]
Central Africa Economic and Monetary Community. : Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) : financial system stability assessment / prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund
Central African Republic Babinga (African people) Drama : Le silence de la forêt / une production les films terre africaine ; Bassek ba Kobhio présente ; scénario, Didier Ouénangaré, Bassek ba Kobhio ; adaptation et dialogues, Marcel Beaulieu, Bassek ba Kobhio, d'après le roman de Etienne Goyémidé ; produit par Bassek ba Kobhio ; un film de Didier Ouénangaré et Bassek ba Kobhio
Central African Republic -- Bibliography : Central African Republic : 2018 article IV consultation, fifth review under the extended credit facility arrangement and financing assurances review. / International Monetary
Central African Republic Businesswomen : Central African Republic Women in Culture, Business & Travel : a Profile of Central African Women in the Fabric of Society